いろいろ (iroiro) is a Japanese adjective meaning “various” or “many kinds of things.” The Japanese kanji 色 (iro) also means “color”.
We are a Maori-Japanese mix, my husband Keigo is from Japan, and I, Marama, am from Aotearoa, aka New Zealand.
Like many a traveler, my husband and I have traveled throughout Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia. In each town we visited we saw so much beauty, color, and variety. We would talk about the different things we saw and experienced in each place we visited. Keigo would ask me “what did you enjoy on this trip”, I would reply “iroiro”. There were so many things I enjoyed I could not choose only one thing.
iroiro & co. endeavors to share the beautiful things we have hand picked, from the beautiful places we have visited.